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JC Logistics specialists at more than 7 operational service routes also can assemble pre- and post-carriage logistics options, including cargo handling, warehousing, distribution and customs clearance.

Operating routes, including solutions across China through:
• Manchouli to Baikal, connected into Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Armenia, the Baltic States.
• Alashankou to Druzhba (Doestock Station), connected into the five Central Asian States, Afghanistan.
• Eren to Zamyn Uud hub, linked to major areas of Mongolia.
• Suifenhe to Geluojiekewo hub, linked to the Far East of Asia.
• Tongjiang to Lieningkeve, Heihe to Blagoveshchensk, Raohe to the Gold Coast to the Far East.
• Pingxiang, linked to major areas of Vietnam.

  • Contact
Ada Zeng
24-hour Customer Service Hotline: 0086 400 020 5556
Skype: zengfanyingg

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